Reports can be viewed and managed with the Report Viewer
Reports are HTML files, so they can be viewed also in a web browser.
Here is a sample file.
Reports are HTML files, so they can be viewed also in a web browser.
Here is a sample file.
The main parameters tracked in a report are
Report for:
Report for:
Detected car model. Check that’s the right one, or else the statistics may be wrong.
Generated at:
Generated at:
End trip time
Code version:
Code version:
Hybrid Assistan application version. Refer to this when submitting bug reports
Phone Manufacturer:
Phone Model:
Phone Product:
Phone SDK:
Phone or tablet information
OBD Mac:
OBD Name:
OBD Manufacturer:
OBD adapter information
Number of samples:
Number of readings from the car
Start time:
End time:
Trip Lenght:
Phone Manufacturer:
Phone Model:
Phone Product:
Phone SDK:
Phone or tablet information
OBD Mac:
OBD Name:
OBD Manufacturer:
OBD adapter information
Number of samples:
Number of readings from the car
Start time:
End time:
Trip Lenght:
Trip time
Average Sample time (sec):
Average time between 2 readings: high quality adapters read faster that cheap ones
Start SOC %:
End SOC %:
HV Battery level at the start and at the end of the trip
Delta SOC %:
Difference between start and end values
Min SOC %:
Max SOC %:
Minimum and maximum observed value in the whole trip
Average SOC %:
Average value
Difference from optimum:
The HSD system tries to keep the SOC level at 60%
SOC gained from brakings:
How many SOC % points were gained while braking.
SOC gained from coasting:
How many SOC % points were gained while coasting.
SOC charged by ICE:
SOC % points gained while the petrol engine was running
Min Current (A):
Max Current (A):
Average Current (A):
Values of current flowing in and out of the traction battery
Min Battery power (kW):
Max Battery power (kW):
Average Battery power (kW):
Values of battery power
Total energy from the battery (kWh):
Total energy to the battery (kWh):
Values of energy from and to the battery
Battery energy balance:
Average Sample time (sec):
Average time between 2 readings: high quality adapters read faster that cheap ones
Start SOC %:
End SOC %:
HV Battery level at the start and at the end of the trip
Delta SOC %:
Difference between start and end values
Min SOC %:
Max SOC %:
Minimum and maximum observed value in the whole trip
Average SOC %:
Average value
Difference from optimum:
The HSD system tries to keep the SOC level at 60%
SOC gained from brakings:
How many SOC % points were gained while braking.
SOC gained from coasting:
How many SOC % points were gained while coasting.
SOC charged by ICE:
SOC % points gained while the petrol engine was running
Min Current (A):
Max Current (A):
Average Current (A):
Values of current flowing in and out of the traction battery
Min Battery power (kW):
Max Battery power (kW):
Average Battery power (kW):
Values of battery power
Total energy from the battery (kWh):
Total energy to the battery (kWh):
Values of energy from and to the battery
Battery energy balance:
Difference between energy given to the battery and taken from the battery.
Battery stress:
Square root of the sum of current values squared: this is a measure of the stress the battery has suffered through the whole trip. The lower, the better
Start Services consumption (kW):
End Services consumption (kW):
Min Services consumption (kW):
Max Services consumption (kW):
Average Services consumption (kW):
Power used to feed accessory services, like A/C, light, radio.
Start Ambient Temperature:
External temperature at the beginning of the trip
End Ambient Temperature:
External temperature at the end of the trip
Delta Ambient Temperature:
Difference between end and start
Min Ambient Temperature:
Max Ambient Temperature:
Average Ambient Temperature:
Observed values in the whole trip
Start Engine Coolant Temperature:
Coolant temperature at the beginning of the trip
End Engine Coolant Temperature:
Coolant temperature at the end of the trip
Delta Engine Coolant Temperature:
Difference between end and start
Min Engine Coolant Temperature:
Max Engine Coolant Temperature:
Average Engine Coolant Temperature:
Observed values in the whole trip
Time to reach 40:
Time to reach 50:
Time to reach 60:
Time to reach 65:
Time to reach 70:
Time to reach 90:
How many minutes have passed before the engine coolant reached some notable temperature levels.
Battery Inhaling Temperature Sensor:
Square root of the sum of current values squared: this is a measure of the stress the battery has suffered through the whole trip. The lower, the better
Start Services consumption (kW):
End Services consumption (kW):
Min Services consumption (kW):
Max Services consumption (kW):
Average Services consumption (kW):
Power used to feed accessory services, like A/C, light, radio.
Start Ambient Temperature:
External temperature at the beginning of the trip
End Ambient Temperature:
External temperature at the end of the trip
Delta Ambient Temperature:
Difference between end and start
Min Ambient Temperature:
Max Ambient Temperature:
Average Ambient Temperature:
Observed values in the whole trip
Start Engine Coolant Temperature:
Coolant temperature at the beginning of the trip
End Engine Coolant Temperature:
Coolant temperature at the end of the trip
Delta Engine Coolant Temperature:
Difference between end and start
Max Engine Coolant Temperature:
Average Engine Coolant Temperature:
Observed values in the whole trip
Time to reach 50:
Time to reach 60:
Time to reach 65:
Time to reach 70:
Time to reach 90:
How many minutes have passed before the engine coolant reached some notable temperature levels.
Battery Inhaling Temperature Sensor:
Temperature of the air flowing into the HV cooling fan.
Battery Temperature Sensor:
Every sensor of the HV battery is reported.
Percentage of time the specified sensor was the highest:
Tipically, central sensors have higher temperature; a different distribution may suggest problems in the HV cooling system.
Start Altitude (m):
End Altitude (m):
Delta Altitude (m):
Min Altitude (m):
Max Altitude (m):
Average Altitude (m):
Altitude values in the trip
Total upward:
Total downward:
Total meters covered up and down in the trip
Please note that, to avoid transitories, only when a given speed is maintained steady for at least 5 seconds, the kW value is considered valid; so some speeds may not be present in the report. This is normal and expected in most cases.
Please note that not all trips are well suited to produce correct values: uphills and downhills will provide readings affected by the additional power required to climb, or the regeneration effect while going down.
If you want to estimate power required for moving your car, choose a flat road and use cruise control to maintain a constant speed.
Speed accuracy (GPS):
Reports difference between indicated speed and actual speed, measured using the GPS. Note that the speed here is the one displayed on-screen by Hybrid Assistant: the speed shown on the car cockpit has a different offset, required by law, to guarantee you won’t cross speed limits with a safe margin.
Min Speed:
Max Speed:
Speed statistics. Note that reported speed is effective speed, not the one indicated on the dashboard, which is usually overstimate
Average Speed:
Average considers only non-zero values, so standing still for long periods of time won’t lower your average.
How many time the petrol engine was turned on.
Inefficient Ignitions:
How many times the petrol engine was on for less than 5 seconds.
Max RPM:
Petrol engine maximum rotational speed
Average RPM:
Average considers only non-zero values.
Max Engine power (kW):
Peak power from the petrol engine
Average Engine power (kW):
Average is calculated only when the engine is running.
Ice Running %:
End Altitude (m):
Delta Altitude (m):
Min Altitude (m):
Max Altitude (m):
Average Altitude (m):
Altitude values in the trip
Total upward:
Total downward:
Total meters covered up and down in the trip
Average energy for driving at given speeds:
For each speed value, kilowatts required to maintain that speed are reported.Please note that, to avoid transitories, only when a given speed is maintained steady for at least 5 seconds, the kW value is considered valid; so some speeds may not be present in the report. This is normal and expected in most cases.
Please note that not all trips are well suited to produce correct values: uphills and downhills will provide readings affected by the additional power required to climb, or the regeneration effect while going down.
If you want to estimate power required for moving your car, choose a flat road and use cruise control to maintain a constant speed.
Speed accuracy (GPS):
Reports difference between indicated speed and actual speed, measured using the GPS. Note that the speed here is the one displayed on-screen by Hybrid Assistant: the speed shown on the car cockpit has a different offset, required by law, to guarantee you won’t cross speed limits with a safe margin.
Min Speed:
Max Speed:
Speed statistics. Note that reported speed is effective speed, not the one indicated on the dashboard, which is usually overstimate
Average Speed:
Average considers only non-zero values, so standing still for long periods of time won’t lower your average.
How many time the petrol engine was turned on.
Inefficient Ignitions:
How many times the petrol engine was on for less than 5 seconds.
Max RPM:
Petrol engine maximum rotational speed
Average RPM:
Average considers only non-zero values.
Max Engine power (kW):
Peak power from the petrol engine
Average Engine power (kW):
Average is calculated only when the engine is running.
Ice Running %:
Percentage of time the petrol engine was running
Max time of ICE Running:
Max time of ICE Running:
Longest time span when the petrol engine was running in the whole trip. Note: this is not the cumulative time, but the longest single event of the engine running.
ICE Spinning %:
Percentage of time where the petrol engine was running without burning fuel
ICE Off %:
Percentage of time where the petrol engine was not running at all (EV mode or simply stopped)
Longest sequence of ICE Spinning(seconds):
Longest sequence of ICE Off(seconds):
Longest time span where the petrol engine was in the above condition
Trip Length (Km):
Distance of the trip
EV Range (Km):
Distance travelled with only the electric motor
EV %:
Percentage of time where the car was running in EV
EV traction %:
Percentage of time where the car was running in EV and actively using the electric motor
Excessive EV %:
Percentage of time where the car was running in EV and actively using the electric motor with a low SOC
Longest sequence of EV(seconds):
Longest sequence of EV traction(seconds):
Longest sequence of Excessive EV(seconds):
Longest time span where the car was in the above condition
Excessive EV events:
How many time you exceeded in EV traction
Braking while moving %:
Percentage of time where the brake pedal was pressed and the car was moving
Longest time span where the car was in the above condition
Number of times the brake pedal has been pushed during the trip
Good Brakings:
A fully regenerative braking.
Bad Brakings:
A braking is considered bad if friction braking is used when regenerative braking could have been used instead, thus wasting energy.
Mixed Brakings:
A mix of friction and regenerative braking.
Braking Efficiency %:
Percentage of good braking
Pulse %:
Percentage of time where the car was performing a pulse
Glide %:
Percentage of time where the car was performing a glide with zero current
Approximate Glide %:
Percentage of time where the car was performing a glide with very little current
Coasting %:
Percentage of time where the car was running with no accelerator and no brake pedals pressed
Neutral %:
Percentage of time where the car was running in N
Heretical %:
Percentage of time where the car had MG1 running backwards
Sweet Spot %:
Percentage of time where the car was running at low RPM and low fuel usage
Longest sequence of Pulse(seconds):
Longest sequence of Glide(seconds):
Longest sequence of Approximate Glide(seconds):
Longest sequence of Coasting(seconds):
Longest sequence of Neutral(seconds):
Longest sequence of Heretical(seconds):
Longest sequence of Sweet Spot(seconds):
Longest time span where the car was in the above condition
Percentage of time where the accelerator pedal was pressed
Percentage of time where the car was moving
Longest sequence of Moving(seconds):
Longest time span where the car was in the above condition
HSI upper ECO zone %:
HSI lower ECO zone %:
HSI Charge zone %:
Percentage of time the car power meter was in the indicated zone.
Longest sequence of HSI upper ECO zone(seconds):
Longest sequence of HSI lower ECO zone(seconds):
Longest sequence of HSI Charge zone(seconds):
Longest time span where the car was in the above condition
Accelerator Nervousness:
Variability of the accelerator pedal usage. Higher values indicate a nervous driving style
Braking Efficiency:
Ability to use regenerative braking
Inefficient Ignitions:
Number of short lived ignitions
HV Battery
Number of Block:
Number of blocks detected in the battery
For each block
% Time at minimum voltage:
For each block
% Time at minimum voltage:
Cumulative time the specified block had the lowest value in the battery. This may indicate a faulty/less than ideal block
Bias from Highest Voltage:
Bias from Highest Voltage:
difference from block voltage and the maximum overall
Delta from neighbours:
Delta from neighbours:
Difference between the specified block and the 2 adiacent ones.