
"HA Tips" - a video serie for HA users

With the help of an appassionate user, Robikinkela, from Hybrid Synergy Forum, the team is developing a serie of short videos with the goal to help the new user of HA to learn the application features.
The videos will be periodically published on the YouTube channel of Hybrid Assistant. A new video shall be broadcasted once per week.

The first video, an introduction to Hybrid Assistant, is ready for You on YouTube: "Using the App"

Subscribe to the Hybrid Assistant YouTube channel and stay tuned for new "HA Tips"


A new member joins our Team

The Hybrid Assistant team is growing: Davide Vitali is joining our team.
Davide is an experienced Android developer, with a long list of released apps.
Check his page at @Appsbydavidev.dev or at http://dev.appsbydavidev.it/
The new version of Hybrid Assistant already features his contributions:
- crash dump reporting: if an error occours, HA will ask for permission to send a dump to the developers
- new settings menu
- new settings page
- multilanguage translation (English, Italian, French, German, Spanish)
Other minor enhancements include:
- accelerator position is now displayed
- accelerator color is based on CHG/ECO/POWER meter
- fix for false readings on Prius Prime
- support for Toyota Highlander
- better detection of ICE spinning