

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or USB?

Hybrid Assistant supports connection via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or USB.
Here is a performance test using the same adapter: the only difference is the connection method.

Connection type: Bluetooth Wi-Fi USB
Requests per second 28 17 48

New Release


Hybrid Assistant:
  • DCL and CCL marks on the HV Powermeter
  • Fixed overflow of connection label in portrait mode
  • RAV4 AWD is now recognised and speed indicator is accurate
  • Dialogs have white backgound now, for better readability
  • Bluetooh fix for "rockchip" Android Head Units
  • 12V battery check
  • Added border to touch sensitive areas
  • Support for USB and WiFi OBD adapters
Report Viewer:
  • Export trip and battery logs
  • Added BSFC chart
  • Added EV Map chart
  • Delete DB for full cleanup


Hybrid Assistant on a Head Unit - modification required to OBD interface

Custom Head units available on the market can be installed on our hybrid cars as replacement of the Toyota Touch / Toyota Touch 2.

One of our tester has identified an incompatibility between his head unit and the OBDLink LX OBD adapter.

The incompatibility identified does not allow the Head Unit to operate corretly both Torque and Hybrid Assistant. The problem is in the name of the OBD dongle since some Head Units requires the Can Bus adapter to be called with a fixed name "OBD" to correctly operate the Can Bus applications.

To solve this issue, the following procedure can be performed
  • request to Scantool, an updated firmware, not available on their site, allowing the renaming of the OBDLink LX 
  • perform the Firware Upgrade according to the provided Scantool procedure using a Windows PC 
  • install on an Android phone a Bluetooth terminal (e.g. "Bluetooth terminal" available on the Play Store) 
  • Connect the ObdLink LX to the Android Phone via Bluetooth 
  • send the command STI 
  • Check that OBDLink LX has updated the firmware (now the release should be 4.0)
  • Send the command STBTN OBD 
After this operation, the Head Unit can be paired to the OBDLink LX that now will be able to operate both Torque and Hybrid Assistant

As usual these modifications are carried out at your own risk.

 A video of the result, showing hybrid assistant operative, is available on YouTube:


WiFi and USB Adapters

The new version of Hybrid Assistant adds support for USB and WiFi OBD adapters.
To switch the connection mode you must use the Settings screen of Report Viewer

Select adapter type and then run Hybrid Assistant again.

Note: the WiFi OBD adapter should be set to listen on IP, port 35000.
These should be the same settings used by other ODB communication apps.


Auxiliary Battery Voltage

The new version of Hybrid Assistant allow measurement of the 12V Auxiliary Battery also.

Here is the procedure:

  1. Do not turn on the car: just wake up the OBD adapter from sleep. This is accomplished on my car by just opening the driver's door.
  2. Run Hybrid Assistant and let it connect: it will display "Waiting for the car" in the status line.
  3. After a couple of seconds a panel will open with the 12V measure updating over time.
  4. Once you bring the car to READY, the panel will close and operations will proceed as usual.

Please note that Auxiliary Battery Voltage reading works even with the car completely off.
The reading is available as soon as the adapter wakes up from standby.
This is one step beyond the measuring method that uses the hidden menu of the Toyota Touch, because it still needs the car to be at least in accessory mode, and the voltage reading is somewhat altered because of the Toyota Touch load itself.


CCL and Brake

The new version of Hybrid Assistant displays real time CCL and DCL indicators on the HV Powermeter.
Charge Current Limit and Discharge Current Limit shows maximum power that the HV battery can sustain any given moment.
Their value is affected, among other factors, by temperature and battery charge level.
When the battery can not accept any more incoming current, CCL is decreased accordingly even to zero: in this condition, regenerative braking isn't possible anymore so friction pads kick in.
You can see it in this annotated video.